Wednesday, April 13, 2005

911 a False Flag?

Thinking objectively can lead one to interesting places. Take 911, for example. Many people tend to ignore obvious evidence because they do not wish to go where the evidence will lead them. If you bring up the idea that the evidence leads to the fact that the operation was run from elements in the national security establishments of the United States and Israel, people back away quickly. Not just right-wing patriots, either. People who would agree in a minute that the U.S. Government would kill innocent people in what used to be called the Third World will tell you that the people in charge would never kill their own innocents knowingly. This despite reams of documented historical evidence that they have done this again and again. They will say, well, there were abuses in the past, but we wouldn’t do that now. They will believe that Israel would murder Palestinians without any hesitation but would never believe they would murder United States citizens even if it served their national interest. Furthermore, what is even more strange, many Americans who think that the United States would run a horrible false flag operation will not say that Israel would do such a thing, despite the fact that there is better evidence of Israel having conducted false flag operations. David Ray Griffin, the author of The New Pearl Harbor (and excellent book) did not even mention Israel, in spite of the dual citizenship and open lobbying and advocacy of Israel by most of the Neocon figures and numerous Mossad spy rings caught in the United States. Is it fear?

If you’re interested and enjoy this kind of objective thinking, here are some links. The Signs of the Times has an excellent compendium of news articles on this on April 13. What Really Happened has this this, on the Mossad spies celebrating the attack celebrating on the World Trade Center. See also this from Indymedia, or this in American Free Press.

All this stuff is useful to at least consider before the United States gets conned into attacking yet another country (Iran or Syria) in order to “protect” Israel. On that front, see the piece in today's Counterpunch by Kurt Nimmo:

It's really sad when you have to read newspapers and web sites in the Middle
East to find out what is happening in the United States. For instance, al-Jazeera was about the only site outside of Israel to report that General Yoav Gallan, war criminal Ariel Sharon's "military advisor" (that is, he tells Arik the Butcher the best way to kill Palestinians and other Arabs), "has reportedly handed Bush documents and aerial photos of Iranian nuclear installations during the Israeli prime minister's Monday meeting with the U.S. President George W. Bush, Israeli public radio reported on Tuesday."

In short, the Israelis have devised a few fake photos to lay on Bush since
Iran does not actually have "nuclear installations," as the International Atomic Energy Agency reported late last year. Israel wants the United States to bomb the daylights out of Iran, a possibility that will grow more and more remote as time passes, a fact that really freaks out Sharon and his Jabotinskyite partners in international crime who want every Arab or Muslim nation in the Middle East bombed or at least cowed by the same sort of shock and awe Bush used against Iraq.

...Here's a novel idea... if the flipping Israelis are so hot to invade (or at minimum bomb) Iran, let them do it themselves. Of course they will not do this since there are around 66 million Iranians and about 6 million Israelis, including a couple hundred thousand rabid settlers in the West Bank, Gaza, and the land Israel filched from Syria. Better to get the stupid Americans to do it, although it appears the Pentagon is not exactly chomping at the bit to invade Iran considering the mess in Iraq. So here we have Sharon and his mass murder advisor presenting Bush the Dumber with photos, obviously contrived since nobody can find nukes in Iran except the Israelis and their Neocon buddies, who are, just like the Likudites, demonstrated and practiced liars and deceivers, well tutored in making up fake "intelligence," as the Neocon lie factory, the Office of Special Plans, did in the lead up to mass murdering around 100,000 innocent Iraqis.


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