Friday, June 17, 2005

Who will bring them down?

There has been a lot of discussion recently in the 911 truth movement lately about how best to persuade the public in the United States that the official story isn’t true. There is the LIHOP vs. MIHOP dispute (Letting It Happen On Purpose vs. Making It Happen On Purpose) and the No Plane Hit the Pentagon vs. If We Say No Plane Hit the Pentagon They Will Think We Are Crazy dispute (NPHTP vs. IWSNPHTPTWTWAC? – see this by Joe Quinn). Some in the movement are so concerned with “what the neighbors will think” that they are fighting with one hand tied behind their backs.

If you notice, all these people in the discussion are from the United States. And what most of them forget is that world opinion is at least as important here as United States public opinion. And the rest of the world seems to have made up their minds. They seem to have little trouble thinking that 911 was an inside job conducted by elements of the Israeli and United States cryptocracy.

Remember, German public opinion never brought down Hitler, world public opinion, other competing empires, plus a lot of armies, did. The Bush administration does not care about American public opinion or world public opinion, but the latter may end up leading more to their downfall than the former. As with Watergate, public opinion won’t bring down the regime, but competing factions of the ruling class who feel threatened by overreaching madman can. This time those factions are as much outside the United States as inside.


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