Friday, August 12, 2005


Recent revelations about 911 where more information has come out showing that anti-terror intelligence agencies were tracking Mohammed Atta and company before 911 have all but proven the LIHOP (Letting It Happen On Purpose) thesis. See Joseph Kay and Barry Grey :

A spokesman for the September 11 commission acknowledged on Wednesday that members of its staff met with a uniformed military officer on July 12, 2004 and that the officer informed them that a military intelligence group had, as early as the summer of 2000, identified Mohammad Atta as part of an Al Qaeda cell operating in the US. Atta is thought to have been the lead hijacker in the September 11 attacks.

This admission flatly contradicts statements made earlier this week by 9/11 Chairman Thomas Kean and Co-Chairman Lee Hamilton that the commission staff was never told of the military intelligence on Atta.

...The fact that military intelligence had identified Atta and three other future hijackers as part of an Al Qaeda cell in the US more than a year before the 9/11 attacks, and the four were still able to come and go as they pleased, in some cases leaving and reentering the US, and plan and carry out the biggest terrorist attack in US history without any hindrance or interference from the FBI, the CIA or any other government agency, is a revelation of the most explosive character with the most far-reaching implications.

It fatally undermines the central contention of the 9/11 commission and every other official whitewash of the events surrounding the terror attacks on New York and Washington: that the “intelligence failure” that allowed the attacks to occur was the result, at worst, of incompetence and institutional roadblocks that prevented the agencies from “connecting the dots.”

Instead, this latest revelation supports a whole series of previous revelations suggesting that one or more intelligence or security agencies and high government and/or military officials acted to shield the hijackers and allow them to carry out a terrorist attack on US soil. For what purpose? Precisely to create the conditions for shifting and manipulating public opinion to accept a massive escalation of US militarism and unprecedented attacks on democratic rights.

It is the immense importance of the Able Danger information, and its highly dangerous political implications for the Bush administration and the entire American political establishment, that explain the commission’s decision to exclude any mention of it.

The rationale given by the commission for omitting the information on Atta and Able Danger in its final report is just as absurd as the previous claims that the staff was never given Atta’s name. Referring to the military officer who met with the commission staff in July 2004, Felzenberg told the New York Times, “He wasn’t brushed off. The information that he provided us did not mesh with other conclusions that we were drawing.”

...The American media continues to bury the revelations. After its front-page article breaking the story on Tuesday, the New York Times has placed its follow-up articles on its inside pages. Wednesday’s article was on page 13 and Thursday’s on page 14. Other newspapers have hardly mentioned it. The only article to appear so far in the Washington Post has been a five paragraph Associated Press story on Wednesday. The broadcast network evening news programs continue to ignore the story.

See also Kurt Nimmo

How much more evidence do we need that false flag terrorist operations are being run out of the Pentagon, more than likely by rogue DIA operatives plugged into a larger network (CIA, MI6, and Mossad)? Not much. Consider the following, posted the GSN (Government Security News) site: “In September 2000, one year before the Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11, a U.S. Army military intelligence program, known as ‘Able Danger,’ identified a terrorist cell based in Brooklyn, NY, one of whose members was 9/11 ringleader Mohammed Atta, and recommended to their military superiors that the FBI be called in to ‘take out that cell,’ according to Rep. Curt Weldon… The recommendation to bring down that New York City cell—in which two other Al Qaeda terrorists were also active—was not pursued during the weeks leading up to the 2000 presidential election, said Weldon. That’s because Mohammed Atta possessed a ‘green card’ at the time and Defense Department lawyers did not want to recommend that the FBI go after someone holding a green card.” In other words, it appears a legitimate anti-terrorism program, dubbed Able Danger, had collided with the nine eleven plot and would have derailed it if not for the absurd green card ruse and what we are expected to believe passes for political correctness.

You can add to that the Sibel Edmonds testimony and the story of the FBI counter-terrorism chief, John O'Neill who was hot on the trail of the suspects before 9/11 and who was pulled off the investigation by higher-ups and who quit in frustration. He was then offered a job as head of security at the World Trade Center and died there on 9/11.

At some point, the accumulation of evidence for LIHOP ends up being evidence for MIHOP (Making It Happen On Purpose), even without the evidence piling up for that. See, for example, a reprint of an article that appeared last weekend in The Daily Mail (but not on their website for some reason) as well as the commentary on that article by the Signs of the Times editors.


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