Thursday, November 10, 2005

Don't Believe the Hype, It's a Sequel

From Signs of the Times on the Jordanian bombing:

Yet again "al-qaeda" carries out "suicide bombings" that kill their fellow Arabs. Bizzare. Yet again we must rely on the word of officals from the US-friendly Jordanian government and the Israeli government that it was a suicide bombing, when it may well have been a case of a bombs left in the buildings.

Yet again we have to rely on the word of an unconfirmable internet posting that the bombings were carried out by Al-Zarqawi, the long since deceased Mossad boogeyman du jour. Interestingly, Israeli daily Haaretz initially carried a story that Israeli nationals in one of the hotels had been forwarned of the bombings and were evacuated. Now how could it be that a group of Israeli nationals were given "a specific security alert" in advance of the bombings? This claim, however, has now been conveniently withdrawn.

This is really getting old. I can't believe people still believe in "Al Qaeda"(or as Kurt Nimmo puts it, Al-CIAduh) and "Al-Zarqawi."


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