Monday, June 20, 2005

A Humorous News Item

A humorous news item appeared today:

CIA has 'excellent' idea where bin Laden is -Time

Sun Jun 19, 1:28 PM ET
CIA Director Porter Goss said he has an "excellent" idea where Osama bin Laden is hiding, but the al Qaeda leader will not be brought to justice until weak links in counterterrorism efforts are strengthened, Time magazine reported on Sunday.

In his first interview since becoming head of the CIA last year, Goss also told the magazine the insurgency in Iraq was not quite in its last throes, but close to it.

Goss did not say where he believed bin Laden was hiding, but intelligence experts have said the al Qaeda leader who has evaded an extensive U.S.-led manhunt is probably in the border region of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

"I have an excellent idea of where he is. What's the next question?" Goss said in the interview.

"In the chain that you need to successfully wrap up the war on terror, we have some weak links. And I find that until we strengthen all the links, we're probably not going to be able to bring Mr. bin Laden to justice," Goss said. "We are making very good progress on it."

He cited some of the difficulties as "dealing with sanctuaries in sovereign states, you're dealing with a problem of our sense of international obligation, fair play."

Goss added, "We have to find a way to work in a conventional world in unconventional ways that are acceptable to the international community."

This story is funny on a number of levels. First, I would like to point something out that has always amazed me. Why do we give any credence at all to something said by a CIA official, particularly someone who was involved in covert operations. These people are the best liars in the world. To say that is not an insult, that is a prerequisite for the job. They would consider that a compliment. Yet never once does a reporter write, “Professional liar Porter Goss claimed today that he knows where Osama Bin Laden is.”

Secondly, after claiming that he knows where OBL is, Goss stated that the reason the United States hasn’t captured him is the U.S.’s respect for other countries’ sovereignty. Now, if at this point you are not laughing so hard you are spitting coffee on your keyboard, you have not been paying attention.

Further adding to the fun, is the fact, unmentioned by our Mainstream Press, that OBL has always been a CIA asset. You do not stop being one, just as you do not resign from the mafia. It doesn’t work that way. So certainly Goss probably does know where he is. As Kurt Nimmo wrote today, he has most likely been dead for a while, kept alive in our imaginations to scare us little children and send us into the arms of the neocons for protection

The next installment in this comedy will come when the dead OBL starts communicating with the dead al-Zarqawi. Oops, I guess that already happened! (


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