Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Here it Comes

Scary news today. Bush’s approval rating has dropped to the dangerously low point of 36%. Why is this scary? Take a look at the issue of Newsweek that came out on 9/11/01. It went to press before the attacks, so it had no news about 9/11. Most of the news was about what a pathetic president Bush was. There was also an investigative piece on how the Supreme Court handed the presidency to Bush, and how, basically, the election was stolen. Then a few days later Bush is hugely popular.

Could this happen again? September is only a week away. The best way for us average citizen types to prevent another false flag terrorist attack on a U.S. city is to tell everyone we can that Bush would do this to save his presidency and “The Plan” (see this from the planners themselves and this from the right and this from the left). The more the idea gets out that they would do such a thing the more likely it is that "they" will shift tactics.


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