Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Schwarzenegger Proved Himself to His Bosses Again

By needlessly executing Tookie Williams, a man who seemed to have redeemed himself for a crime committed, if he did commit it, during his youth three decades ago, Schwarzenegger has now proven his mettle to the Big Boys -- the bastard. They look to see if a potential leader is willing to "sacrifice" someone else. Bush, Clinton and Schwarzenegger have all had to refuse clemency on a highly-publicized, morally ambiguous death penalty case in order to reach the next level in the power hierarchy.

Schwarzenegger, who wants to be a Fascist Supreme Leader, had nothing politically to lose in granting clemency. No one would think he was soft or a wimp. He is the Terminator, after all.

But I KNEW he would execute Williams. It wasn't for the public, it was to impress his superiors. No doubt he got a little psychopathic thrill as well, but it was not done for personal pleasure.

Now, even though at the moment his political support among the public has collapsed, watch him rise.


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