Friday, January 20, 2006

Neocons Rockin' All Over the World

I am finding it strange that the only place where the will of the public is reflected in their leaders is in Latin America. In Europe and North America, while Bush and the Neocon wars are incredibly unpopular, Bush steals the election, the Neocons are poised to take over Canada, Blair universally hated in Britain is still in office and the Neocons are about to take over France, even, with Sarkozy.

What is going on? Anyone have any ideas?

Here’s the Canadian Jeff Wells’s take:

Last night in an interview on CBC, Stephen Harper said he couldn't promise that a Conservative government wouldn't take Canada into deficit because "we might have a war." Does that sound familiar to American ears? Meanwhile, the Liberals' star candidate and putative leadership hopeful, Harvard's Michael Ignatieff, is an apologist for torture and the Iraq War.

I know it's only politics. And thanks to the education I've given myself since first watching Florida flip to the Bush column, I know that can mean only so much and no more. But I'm not one of those who can say they're all the same. And even if they were, I don't think I could say it.

I expect in politics, virtually everywhere, it takes something like a dissociative act of will to Keep Hope Alive. Especially in the clapped-out, qlipphotic shells of the old democracies. Elections become Logan's Run-like lotteries that never pay off, but that keep the citizenry mollified because there's always next time. (And no matter the tyranny that descends upon America, there will always be a next time. So long as the ceremony of the vote is observed, enough people will mistake it for representative rule.)


Blogger Sun Also Rises said...

As a long term Libertarian/Objectivist, have always marveled at the inevitability of cyclical political zeitgeist.

It takes a cycle of productivity, limited central government power, with the concommitent respect for individuals and social values to achieve a critical mass to attract the saprophytes.

Then, the insidious odour of those who prey upon people who produce rafts through the educational, communication, regulatory and legal professions. The "oppressed" masses are whipped to frenzy, and PARTICULARLY in those countries that promote free elections and individual participation the outcome is SEALED.

Let's face it, those of us reading, assimilating and resonating with blogs of this nature are four z-scores above the intellectual norm. We have read Socratic missives, exhorting us on to examined lives. We are also loathe to organize, as rugged individualists are just that. So, we sit in near impotency, preaching to other literate, and dispossessed choirs.

Only thing that can save us? The USSR, VietCong, Albanians, Chinese, Cuban and North Korean Communist malaise eventually leads to so much pain that revolts occur. OR, the people who really run the world (pragmatists, dirtiest word in my vocab) eye the ease with which their non-republican cohorts in these countries control the masses, try to emulate it and the resulting pain wakes up those anesthetized by the consumer drugs that feed The Matrix.

Not my most coherent post, but in essence, we are all sitting here in silent observation of a tsunami hitting its zenith. We can not stop it. Can not slow it. Can not hide from it. BUT, we can RIDE it. Will take some practice. We might even be able to guide it, to the advantage of those who value ability, fidelity, and the ruthlessly fair march of the free market.

6:09 AM  

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