Thursday, February 16, 2006

What is Going on with Europe?

France is accusing Iran of pursuing military nuclear technology.

In Germany, the former Foreign Minister and leader of the formerly pacifist Green Party, Joshka Fischer, is advocating that Europe intervene militarily for generations in the Middle East. Fischer’s statement in Suddeutsche Zeitung, quoted in this article by Peter Schwartz:
“The Middle East will go through a deep crisis of transformation lasting perhaps two to three decades, which bring great risks and dangers,” writes Fischer. Europe will not be able to “stand aloof from the dislocation, crises and conflicts of this region, which is so central to its own security.” The crisis will force “Europe to grow up very fast in security policy terms .” It must begin to “think about a second line, beside the elements of partnership, dialogue, cooperation and the aid given to transform [the region], to include security guarantees and elements of an effective and simultaneously convincing defence [policy].”

In plain language, this means that in future Europe should increasingly pursue its interests in the Middle East using military means. Apart from diplomatic and economic activities (“partnership, dialogue, cooperation”), military activities (“security guarantees and defence”), will increasingly come to the fore.

What this means is that the Powers in Europe are behind the “Long War” in general and the bombing of Iran in particular.

What is becoming clear, with the ascension of Merkel in spite of the rejection of right-wing policies by German voters and the seemingly inevitable rise of the neocon Sarkozy in France is that, just as in the United States, there is no ‘politics’ when it comes to important matters. We in the United States, therefore, cannot wait for elections (which can easily be rigged and even if fair both choices have been vetted by the Powers that Be); we need to impeach Bush and Cheney now, put them on trial for war crimes and treason along with leading neocons and their collaborators.


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