Sunday, March 05, 2006

Can They be Stopped?

Now that the fascist neocons are uniformly unpopular yet still in control of the levers of power, can they be defeated?

Not at the ballot box, if the continued certification of Diebold voting machines in the United States is any indication. But voting never challenged the Powers That Be anyway, even if counted fairly. Sophisticated propaganda and vetting of opposition candidates has always taken care of that.

Someone at the Sign of the Times Forum posted a thought-provoking suggestion as to why the final implementation of The Plan will not be as easy as the steps up until now:

Indeed, the plans… seemed to go smoothly over a period when subtlety was the main means of implementation. This subtlety was not only working because Normal People (i.e. non-psychopaths) were not aware of what was going on, but because there is a large constituency in humanity that craves for security at all costs, even if such is an illusion. These will tolerate any injustice as long as it does not threaten the illusion too much…

The final stage of implementation, however, is far more complex. It entails pathocratic domination that shatters even the illusions of the complacent. Their methods work, and even their limited warfare, until the attempt to make the critical move of reality substitution for everyone.

In that sense the scales would have tipped because the very raison d'etre of the complacency in individuals will have disappeared. Thus, we notice a transition, upon which the pathocrats are not clear at all. On the one hand they control all institution and maintain an illusion to keep people asleep. On the other they shatter the illusion themselves and shock Normal People into paralysis to take over through constant force.

Yet, even Machiavelli stated that it is very difficult to keep people down by force alone. The problem for the pathocrats is that the longer they delay their "shock" the more people are preparing for it. In fact, the pathocrats are a bit confused if we really examine their methods.

On the one hand they try to discredit anyone alerting the public of their plans, and on the other they are spreading information about those very plans. Even if this is mostly disinformation about the way these plans are being implemented it leaves no doubt that something underhanded is going on. They believe that some part of the population will buy into their lies, while another part will be paralyzed by their intimidating hints.

The fact is that if they did strike earlier shock could just as easily have paralyzed the Normal People so the pathocrats could waltz in. Instead they are poking and prodding because their think tanks cannot come up with a guaranteed outcome for any of their game plans…

They also realize that one they make the critical move there is no turning back. Playing individual groups and countries against each other is all well and good, but if they end up trying to grasp the whole of the world in their clenched fists they end up revealing themselves as a common enemy to all. War is a nice game when you are safe in your underground bunker with your simulations. Its fun to watch fools pound each other to the ground at your behest. But when they end up entering the inevitable arena where they become the undeniable THEM against the obvious US, they tread upon a different path…

The situation, however, changes when they must inevitably reveal themselves and enter the equation for all to see. The cowards conceal themselves, and have become addicted to concealing themselves. They crave to come out in the open and stomp normalcy under their cruel boot. Yet, that wishful thinking and boisterous bragging does not take away from the fact that they are and always will be cowards.

They claim on the one hand that they control all the institutions, economies and ideologies, and on the other they threaten to shatter everything. At the first movement of shattering, however, they will also release normal people from dependency upon their social construct by sheer force of necessity. Psychotics confuse these institutions, and especially the particular forms they have concocted, with reality. They cannot understand that for a healthy person reality is a far deeper and more vibrant concept.

A perceptive astrologer, Bill Herbst, has come to a similar conclusion:
In balance, however, I do not currently believe that we will see the dark descent of Orwellian-style fascism, for the simple reason that events are likely to spiral out of control. All our complex systems—from the military through the political to the corporate—are already showing signs of stress and disintegration,
much to the chagrin of those who wish to maintain the status quo. Few outright institutional collapses have yet occurred, but those will accelerate after 2008, reaching full-bore in 2012-2015. By the time the powers-that-be feel the urgent need to play their hand through outright repression, they may no longer possess sufficient means to do so. Even if such attempts are made, by then it might be too late to muzzle an alarmed population whose misplaced faith in the corporate state will have been shattered where it counts—in their wallets.


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