Friday, April 21, 2006

Is the 911 Truth Movement Being Undermined from Within?

Laura Knight-Jadczyk posted an important essay this week on the undermining of the 911 truth movement. It’s long but well worth the time to read. She describes the “ponerization” process, using a term from Lobaczewski’s just published Political Ponerology, probably the most important book in social psychology of the last hundred years. Ponerization refers to the process whereby social, political and religious movements are gradually taken over by psychopathic opportunists who make use for their own purposes of the idealistic capital accumulated in the early days of such groups.

Looks like it is happening now with 911 Truth. The good news is there are easy ways to counter ponerization if you know how it works. As a very astute poster on the Signs of the Times Forum put it:

What matters here, however, is that Ponerization for once is not allowed to proceed unaddressed or without a precedence in prior knowledge. Ponerization is an obvious transition state of an ideal from truth affirming self-organization to Pathocratic entropy. And it is also an opportunity, because until it completes its intended purpose the poneric transition is still a transition, and hence an unstable state, with the potential for greater self-organization if enough energy and the right kind of energy is adequately pumped into the system during its unstable period. Usually ponerization occurs so smoothly that it is practically imperceptable to normal people.

It goes smoothly when it is allowed to do so and when it is left unobserved and unaddressed. This smoothness has generated the illusion that ponerization is a powerful process. The thing is, there was really never any organized and coherent interference with the process in past historic examples to my knowledge, so we really don't know how powerful the process really is. It has never been consistently challenged until it was too late.

And now we have Lobaczewski, a nonagenarian Polish psychologist who survived Nazism and Bolshevism to describe the process for us. His warning to this generation must be heeded.


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