Friday, May 05, 2006

The Goss "Resignation" is Very Interesting...

The sudden “resignation” of CIA Director, Porter Goss is very interesting in light of what Wayne Madsen has been writing about the NEW Watergate scandal:

April 29, 2006 -- The cresting wave of major scandals in Washington. At week's end, there is every indication that the Bush White House is bracing for additional scandals. A sex scandal involving the rented suites at the Watergate Hotel (the GOP just can't stay away from that place), female and male prostitutes and male GOP members of Congress and top CIA officials, including Director Porter Goss, and GOP-
connected contractors is simmering but is expected to blow wide open in the next few weeks. Goss's warnings about ex-CIA officers speaking to the media have more to do with curtailing information about the growing sex and bribery scandal than in tracking down leaks about pre-Iraq war intelligence.
Now this is especially interesting given the fact that there was a prostitution ring run by the CIA out of the Watergate building back before the first Watergate scandal, and some suggest Bush I allies were running that and the break-in may have had something to do with it, either from Nixon wanting dirt on Democrats or wanting to know how much the Democrats knew about Republican dirt. That ring also provided prostitutes for visiting foreign dignitaries, both currying their favor and providing material for blackmail, especially if their tastes run to illegal practices. This is how it has always been done at those levels. Here is Webster Tarpley on Bush the Elder's relationship with the earlier Watergate prostitution ring:

One of the major sub-plots of Watergate, and one that will eventually lead us back to the documented public record of George Bush, is the relation of the various activities of the Plumbers to the wiretapping of a group of prostitutes who operated out of a brothel in the Columbia Plaza Apartments, located in the immediate vicinity of the Watergate buildings. Among the customers of the prostitutes there appear to have been a US Senator, an astronaut, A Saudi prince (the Embassy of Saudi Arabia is nearby), US and South Korean intelligence officials, and above all numerous Democratic Party leaders whose presence can be partially explained by the propinquity of the Democratic National Committe offices in the Watergate. The Columbia Plaza Apartments brothel was under intense CIA surveillance by the Office of Security/Security Research Staff through one of their assets, an aging private detective out of the pages of Damon Runyon who went by the name of Louis James Russell. Russell was, according to Hougan, especially interested in bugging a hot line phone that linked the DNC with the nearby brothel. During the Watergate break-ins, James McCord's recruit to the Plumbers, Alfred C. Baldwin, would appear to have been bugging the telephones of the Columbia Plaza brothel.

Lou Russell, in the period between June 20 and July 2, 1973, was working for a detective agency that was helping George Bush prepare for an upcoming press conference. In this sense, Russell was working for Bush.

Is Bush I again running an operation designed to break the Neocon grip on his son? Remember, Bush I really disliked Israel and they disliked him. He also disliked Rumsfeld and Cheney. And Goss made a lot of enemies at the CIA, many of which HAD to be Bush I allies.

Also, the media is acting completely surprised and puzzled about the firing.

They (NPR, anyway) haven't yet made the decision to break to a wide audience this prostitution scandal.

Now I just saw this by Walter Shapiro (big time journalist who worked for Time, Newsweek, USA Today and the Washington Post) in Salon. He's still dancing around what Wayne Madsen says everyone knows, but he's getting closer, so maybe it will break open soon:

For those practiced in connecting the dots, little artistic training is needed to speculatively link Goss' here's-your-hat-what's-your- hurry departure with the bribery scandal surrounding jailed former GOP Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

NBC News reported Thursday night that the CIA is investigating whether a top agency official, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, improperly steered a $2.4 million contract to his close college friend Brent Wilkes, a defense contractor implicated in the Cunningham case. Wilkes reportedly supplied prostitutes to Cunningham at poker parties that Foggo also attended, though the CIA official denies seeing the female entertainment.

There is no obvious connection between Goss and Cunningham, aside from their having served together in the House for 13 years. But the real mystery is how Foggo became the CIA's executive director, the official in charge of day-to-day operations at the entire agency: He was a midlevel field officer with a procurement background when Goss appointed him in 2004. A CIA spokeswoman, who did not want her name used, said Thursday that the two men met when Foggo testified before the House Intelligence Committee, which Goss chaired from 1997 until 2004, when Bush made him the CIA director. No date was provided for Foggo's testimony before Goss' committee.
So the question remains, who is protecting Patrick Fitzgerald as he prepares to indict Karl Rove? Who is protecting the retired generals who have ripped Rumsfeld? Why has the FBI felt secure enough to pursue the AIPAC Spy investigation? Who, for that matter, felt secure enough to invite Stephen Colbert to do the White House Press Dinner?

On the old Watergate prostitution scandal of the 1970s, see the excellent, The Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of Richard Nixon, by Anthony Summers, pp. 416-23, as well as this on Rigorous Intuition.


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