Thursday, January 11, 2007

“There is no right way to do the wrong thing.”

I heard a someone in the Navy call into the NPR show On Point today about the escalation plan in Iraq. After all the “experts” weighed in, he was able to cut through all the nonsense by saying, ““There is no right way to do the wrong thing.”

The example he used was what if, since Bush is unpopular and the United States is struggling, China decided to “liberate” Americans. Because of the language and cultural differences, of course things wouldn’t go well. Then, in Beijing, the conclusions would be, “we didn’t send in enough troops in the beginning.” The caller concluded, “Yes, it would be bad for the U.S. to leave, we would lose face, etc., but sometimes you have to take your medicine.”

But even Bush isn't stupid enough to think an extra 20,000 troops rotated in over the course of months will change much. But, it will do two things, both important to Bush. It will kill a lot of people. He likes that. It will also protect the Green Zone when the war moves to Iran and the supply lines get broken by furious Shiites in southern Iraq, according to Robert Parry:
Indeed, one source familiar with high-level thinking in Washington and Tel Aviv said an unstated reason for Bush's troop "surge" is to bolster the defenses of Baghdad's Green Zone if a possible Israeli attack on Iran prompts an uprising among Iraqi Shiites.


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