Continued from
Part 12:
Continuing on our discussion of occult secret groups and humans producing "food" for higher level negative beings, William Bramley and the pseudonymous Hawthorne Abendsen have also written well on this. Bramley claims that the standard religions as well as the secret societies were controlled by “extraterrestrial” beings for their own benefit, as a way of keeping the human race serving their ends, not our own. Wars, plagues, etc. are all created to supply the negative emotional “food” for these beings. Abendsen (whoever he is; the name comes from a novel by the great Gnostic science-fiction writer, Philip K. Dick), in a long article called “Inside the Men’s Club” first published in The Project a journal published by A-albionic Consulting and Research, ties all this in with patriarchal social relations, ritual bloodletting and sacrifice, sexual abuse, and secret-society homosexual initiation rites.
According to Abendsen and many others, the patriarchal revolution during the third milennium BCE sparked by Indo-European (sometimes called “Aryan”) expansions as well as palace-coups by partriarchal military groups in the ancient despotisms led to a religious revolution which reassembled older, more matriarchal religions into a patriarchal template.
Alongside the symbolic ram/lamb-sacrifice by priests in the temple, the shedding of the blood of nonbelievers (the Enemies of God) by the warlord-king was regarded as an equally "sacramental" act. Which is to say --and this is a fact of momentous significance-- that the collective human sacrifice we know as war is a religious ritual in honor of the patriarchal God!
In the patriarchy, the warlord-king and his army of followers become, in effect, the
priests of the patriarchal God. Generally in the I-E [Indo-European] world, only a warrior might become king, under God.
Taking a modern "secularized' view of warfare, which incorrectly regards it as
'universal' and 'natural,' most of us fail to grasp the essential nature of this phenomenon, the central characteristic of Western history.
Originally, and sometimes even today, the act of killing another human being, an "enemy' --in God's name, no less-- was an ecstatic religious experience (like its antithesis, sexual ecstasy) for patriarchal warriors 'possessed' by the God of Destruction and acting as his agents in the world.
Those who fully grasp the meaning of this fact may themselves have a "revelation," in which they encounter, face-to face, the existential reality of the patriarchal God. This can be terribly disturbing, to say the least. -- even if we choose to say His reality lies only in the 'collective unconscious" of true believers, "inspiring' their wills,
frightening enough when seen acting in mass-unity
The ultimately ecstatic" nature of violence gives us insight into the archetypal power of common patriarchal themes --the 'Evil" Enemy who deserves to die, the "glorious" or "holy' War, the willingness to risk sacrifice oneself in order to kill the Enemy, etc.-- over men-s minds throughout history, even today. It also enlightens us as to why such behavior so often occurs in the context of religion, "in the name of God,' as with modern Fundamentalists in their espousal of war against "godless' Communism, or (NB) among those modernized OT [Old Testament] patriarchal warriors, the Israelis at war with the Palestinians.
Ritual bloodletting and sacrifice are, according to Abendsen, what the old patriarchal religions have in common with Satanism. In fact, Abendsen argues that the luciferian secret societies we find throughout history whenever we lift up rocks, believe themselves to be the keepers of the true “Old-Time Religion,” the one that never abjured human sacrifice.
In the ritual of the Levitical priesthood, presumably transmitted by God to Moses --and the Law of God in orthodox Judaism-- before roasting the lamb (preferred above other animals) on the fire-altar, the high priest must kill it and spill its blood, sprinkling it ceremoniously upon the white of his robes.
It is enlightening to read the OT [Old Testament] passages describing this mandatory method of worshiping God (God's command) and then compare it --a logical but forbidden quantum leap-- to our popular image of voodoo, black magic, or "Satanic" ritual. The two are one and the same.
This is not to imply that Jews are "Satanists" but it does, in fact, suggest that what we see here is the true face of the Old Testament (patriarchal) God.
This God we normally visualize in more gentle terms (if at all) confusing Him with the Christian "God of Love," whom early Christians held to be a distinct entity, or possibly the old God in a new, "reformed" mood. Nevertheless, the OT accounts of the Old God's blood-thirst, ruthlessness, etc., accurately reflect the behavior of His "appointed" rulers throughout the course of history in the patriarchal West.
One notes how easily fanatic Christians (dwelling primarily on the OT, curiously, as "the word of God") pass into a kind of psychotic megalomania, identifying with this deity. it is obvious, also, how wholly responsible the Jehovah figure is for continual wars and persecutions andgeneral unceasing violence, "justified' (sacralized) by religion
According to Abendsen, the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE and the end of the Jewish priestly temple-centric system of blood sacrifices drove the practice underground, where it could meet the old tradition of Egyptian masonic practices.
One may ask, purely conjecturally, whether there existed factions of ultra-orthodox Jews who took issue with the stream of Jewry which has continued to this day and who did continue the traditional form of worship--i.e., ritual animal-sacrifice-- in secret of course (being a displaced and suspect race) and in territories other than Judea. Neither Judea, the center of a genocidal campaign by Rome, nor Alexandria was safe anymore.
Why should there not be? I raise this question with no intention of answering it yet---merely to provide background for other observations.
There were persistent rumors throughout the middle Ages about Jews performing bloody human sacrifices (allegedly of nonbelievers) in secret "Satanic" rituals. (It is good to keep in mind that any non-Christian worship was branded as the work of the Devil -- obviously "projection," in view of how "Satanic' Christianity's own God really
History provides us with no evidence in support of that claim as above stated. Jews (as known today) justly find those charges to be dangerously inflammatory, fueling a malicious antisemitism, and completely untrue if applied to themselves.
Nevertheless, unaccountably given the lack of evidence, those rumors persisted, impossible to squelch.
One possible explanation is that someone simply read the Bible and imagined, reasonably, that a traditional practice at one time the rule was still part of Judaic religion.
Another explanation, for which there is at least circumstantial evidence, is that someone --no longer Jewish per se but of questionable cultural identity, alien among Imperial Christians-- was engaging in secret ritual sacrifice, and not in honor of
"Satan" but in honor of the patriarchal God as He actually --historically and in His own scriptures- - presented Himself.
What was going on (if indeed it was going on) would presumably be difficult to judge by our conventional morality then and now.
However, it would appear to be the patriarchal religion in its original, and therefore purest, form. Given its survival intact a such a late date, this might suggest a priestly caste possessing thorough understanding of the theological considerations
involved (such as noted in these pages) and therefore quite extraordinary minds, attuned to the workings of ultimate existential power in the real world.
If this were the case, then, logically, they would operate not only insecret necessarily, but at the highest levels of worldly power .
. .
As it is, two groups (both in close association) answering to this description
have actually existed-- documented and recognized by mainstream historical
Not surprisingly, each has been accused of atavistic sacrificial rituals (of human volunteers as well as animals)--as well as homoerotic practices, the latter accusation gaining in significance as we proceed.
Moreover, rather than being unfounded (as in the case of Jews in general), some solid and much circumstantial evidence exists---in the best historical sources, no less---that these accusations were proven.
Furthermore, both these accused groups assert that they are Jewish by race [which is meaningless, "Jews' being believers in a particular faith] but not by religion -- having their origins in an apostate form of worship anathematized and persecuted by the Elders of orthodox Judaism at a very early period in Jewish history.
By any currently existing definition of Judaism, acceptable to Jews and Christians alike, they could not be considered Jews at all. Similarly, they could not be considered Christians.
One consequence of this was that, for want of any better label and in unanimous outrage, both Jews and Christians rejected them as heretical and "Satanic" (Islam alone, by the way, acknowledged their legitimacy, for reasons which would take us off on yet another historically fascinating, but unfortunately [for our immediate purpose] tangential, discussion.)
In their own defense, however, they astonished everyone by making the counter-claim that they were practitioners of the pure form of Judaism,with Judaism the apostasy -- and further, that, by virtue of this "fact," they possessed the understanding by which Jesus Christ could be welcomed as an integrally Jewish Messiah (equal to Moses) whereas Jews, as "apostates," obviously could not. You can imagine the theological (and political) chaos that ensued in the smoke-filled rooms of Church and State.
With an entirely open mind, and with access to modern research that raises doubts about the "official" histories of both Judaism and Christianity, there is, in actuality, much to recommend their claim.
Incredibly, the accused groups were entirely willing to produce evidence substantiating their claims, which they believed was so extraordinary in
nature that no one could deny it. Unfortunately, for whatever reasons, the Church and State chose the standard patriarchal means of dealing with the problem--murdering all those concerned, destroying whatever "evidence"could be located, and sequestering all parties who had participated in thetrial, silenced under pain of death.
All is documented by history -- except that evidence.
It is time now to reveal the identity of these two groups, who will play an important role (with other related groups) in further discussion here, and in the as-yet unwritten even more lengthy version, of the subject matter relevant to a history of the patriarchy.
The first group, whose trial and disposition has been described, is the Knights Templar, the ruling military and later economic elite (with the approval of Church and State) of Christendom for two and a half centuries,1099-1314 AD.
The second group is the Freemasons, who were not parties to the above trial
but who have suffered similar inquisitions on a smaller scale from the early
1700s (although their activities are documented at least a century earlier)
to the late 1800s. There is good reason to believe thatTemplar cells (in Spain and Scotland, not subject to the laws of Rome) survived, and in time evolved into the Freemasons, since the two groups in fact make claim to the same history. No lunatic fringe, these Freemasons. Masons were central figures among the Founding Fathers, they were central in the French Revolution, and they were equally central in the administration of colonies by the British Empire. By the way, Prince Charles will freely admit that he is the current "titular" Grand Master of British Freemasonry. [Actually Prince Charles was the first Royal to refuse to join or preside over the Masons–the Duke of Kent is the current Royal Patron of Masonry–Lloyd Miller, Editor] Heads of State (and Church,currently) regard it as a honor --and advantage-- to hold such a position in the patriarchal society's most celebrated and (depending on whichLodge) most powerful "men's club."
Groups like the Freemasons have always been a puzzle. On the surface, or rather at the lower levels, the spritual practices and beliefs seem fairly benign, yet there have always been whispers of darker practices at the higher, more secret levels. William Bramley explains the puzzle by claiming, as a result of his reading of ancient Mesopotamian myths, that these groups had their origin during a time when a race of humanoids from space or, in the way the ancient languages are usually translated, “gods” from the heavens, ruled the earth and introduced humans (homo sapiens sapiens) as their worker-slaves. Bramley calls this race of gods, the Custodians, as in the custodians of Earth. At that time, according to the old Mesopotamian stories, two gods feuded over the human race, one who came to like the human race (Ea or Enki) and another who didn’t (Enlil). The one who was looking out for the human race taught groups of them some secret knowledge of the “gods.” These groups were called the Brotherhood of the Serpent. Soon, however, the necessity for secrecy corrupted the groups and provided a vehicle for Custodian control and manipulation of human groups. Now it must be kept in mind that these Mesopotamian myths pre-dated Genesis, and provided the source material for Genesis. The religious history of human race since then has been a story of someone trying to bring positive knowledge to the human race and then that knowledge getting corrupted and twisted by the Custodians and their human allies at the apex of human power hierarchies. More on that later. This “Brotherhood” tradition has descended down the milennia to the Freemason, Illuminati, the Templars and others.
To be continued...