Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Is Bush Gay?

Is Bush Gay? Sure seems like it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, BUT there sure is something wrong with rank hypocrisy and with right-wing gay politicians like Karl Rove and George W. Bush exploiting homophobia for political gain.

Let’s look at the evidence. He seems to like to kiss men’s heads a lot. When he was governor of Texas and was in intense negotiations with the Democratic leader of the legislature, when it came time for Bush to accept the deal, he grabbed the legislative leader and kissed him then said, “If you’re going to f--- me at least kiss me first.” Pretty good line, but as a heterosexual midwestern American, even one with pretty much all traces of residual homophobia gone, I can’t imagine making that joke. I find it hard to believe that a Texan would, too. Sherman Skolnick, who admittedly makes startling claims with great frequency but does a lot of real research, has long maintained that Bush has had a long-term gay relationshiop with fellow Bonesman Victor Ashe, the former mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee. Then, when Paul Martin, the Prime Minister of Canada was visiting and they were having their press conference/photo op, Bush turned to Martin and said, regarding Martin’s press secretary, “Your Scott is better-looking than my Scott,” referring to Bush’s press secretary, Scott McClellan, who is known to be gay. Again, not a comment that many heterosexual American men would make. Finally there is this set of photos of a budding romance between Bush and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia released this week that is sure to make Laura jealous.

Now, with the reports that gay prostitute “Jeff Gannon” has spent much more time in the White House, possibly including overnight stays circulating, it may be time to take this stuff seriously. (See today’s Signs of the Times for more on this.) By that I mean, is there a possibility of blackmail here? Skolnick has claimed that the Chinese have blackmailed Bush on Ashe. For more on blackmail see this post by Catalytic Converter and this one by Perfect Infidel.

What I am wondering is this. Could the weak point of the 911 official story, the evidence that something other than a passenger jet hit the Pentagon be causing enough consternation that there needs to be a big distraction? And, if Perfect Infidel’s suggestion that Cheney was either a go-between between the coup plotters and Bush on 9/11 and that Cheney was perhaps in on the plot, which included a possible attempt on Bush himself, is right, then could this scandal both distract people from the economy, the war in Iraq (note the recent reports of plunging approval for the war, Bush’s handling of the economy and his overall approval ratings) and new revelations about 911, AND lead to Bush’s resignation which would also lead to Cheney becoming president? I get the feeling that if Cheney ever became president he would be the last one.


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