Thursday, July 07, 2005

Yet Another False Flag?

Before jumping to conclusions about the London bombings, read Signs of the Times for 7/7/2005. Also three posts by Kurt Nimmo and this one by Rigorous Intuition.

Here is an excerpt from the Signs of the Times comment:

We would like to appeal to all our readers to think about these attacks rationally. First of all, ask yourself, what does "al-qaeda" or any other "previously unknown" Islamic group have to gain from carrying out these attacks at this particular time in London. Coming on the very day that the "G8" leaders meet in Scotland, the only tangible results of the attacks have been to vector British and world public attention TOWARDS the "reality" of "Arab terrorism" and AWAY from the crimes of people like Bush and Blair as regards the pillaging of the resources (both human and natural) of third world countries. On the very day that G8 leaders were expected to deliver on the demands of the World public to alleviate "third world" debt, "al-qaeda" steps in and saves them the trouble by bringing "terrorism" center stage.
One of the most troubling aspects of "Arab terror" attacks in Europe and the US is that the victims are almost always ordinary civilians. By now, any Arab terrorist strategist should surely have realised that their issue is not with the civilian population of Western nations but rather with the politicians that make the decisions, many of which run contrary to the will of the people. The massive anti-Iraq war demonstrations around Europe and the US made this point quite clear. In this case, what does "al-qaeda" have to gain from attacking London trains and buses filled with civilian workers when it is patently obvious that civilian deaths at the hands of "terrorists" will do nothing to sway the average Western government from their political and military designs on the Middle East, quite the opposite in fact.

It really is a no brainer that "al-qaeda" terrorism very definitely serves the agenda of Bush and Blair.

Another most interesting aspect to today's London bombings is that right next door to the scene of one of the attacks on the London Metro, the Great Eastern Hotel was hosting a conference on the Israeli economy, attended by Israeli finance minister Benjamin Netanyahu, one of the most extreme right-wing "Zionist" members of Sharon's Likud party and a staunch opponent of next month's Gaza pullout plan. Most bizarrely of all, one initial report claimed that the Israeli embassy had received advance warning of the attacks from British police, a claim that Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom later denied, while another report had British police denying that they had received advance warning of the attacks from the Israeli embassy, which then THEY denied! What seems clear is that one or other or even both DID know of the attacks in advance and now both are attempting to cover up that fact.

Contrary to the headlines on mainstream news sources and claims by the British government, the attacks today in London bear all the hallmarks of yet another false flag operation carried out by the intelligence aparatus of the UK, the US or Israel (or a combination of all three). Perhaps now is a good time to talk about the fact that, on many, many occasions in the past, US, British and Israeli intelligence agencies have employed "false flag" operations to further their political and military goals. Indeed, the idea of attacking oneself or the population of one's own country and then blaming it on your enemies is as "old as the hills" and is a core element of covert intelligence agency tactics.

Take, for example, the Madrid train bombing of March 11th 2004. 191 people were murdered, supposedly by al-Qaeda, yet all of the victims were simple, working class people, many of whom had protested against the Iraq invasion and the then Spanish government's decision to send troops to Iraq. So why would al-qaeda, an organisation that claims to represent the interests of the Islamic people, want to attack innocent people who to some extent share their opposition to pro-American European governments? It just doesn't make sense, and the claim that the "terrorists" are just crazy and that there is no logic to their actions is not in keeping with the lucid and erudite demands that the "terrorists" have made. Because the Madrid train bombings lead to the ousting of the right-wing Aznar administration, the argument has also been made that this was the actual goal of "al-qaeda" in carrying out the bombings, yet "Arab terrorists" won few supporters in Spain by killing 191 innocent Spaniards, and most analysts had been expecting a popular swing towards the left at the polls regardless. No indeed, the most obvious explanation is that, like the train bombings in London today, the Madrid train attacks of "3/11" were an attempt to turn Spanish (and wider Europe and and world) public opinion against "Arabs" in general and garner support for Bush and Sharon's war on the Arab population of the Middle East.

They go on to make the connection between this operation and the web of false flag operations uncovered againg this week carriesd out in Italy and Western Europe in the 1970s by a shadowy right-wing network with ties to U.S. Neocons:

The shadow of a false flag operation has in fact been spread across the headlines over the past couple of weeks, yet due to the chronic lack of real journalism in the US, the general public is mostly unaware of it. Last month an Italian judge called for the detention of 13 alleged CIA agents who had "rendered" (abducted) from Milan to Egypt Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, a Muslim Cleric and CIA informant on February 17, 2003 according to Albanian intelligence officials as published in the Chicago Tribune on July 2, this year. While the official line is that the Americans were CIA agents, there is reason to believe that they were in fact part of “a covert team of U.S. Defense Department Special Forces, mercenaries, and intelligence agents who are now the subject of international arrest warrants” as Wayne Madsen writes.

Running parallel to this is the story from the Italian daily Corriere della Sera that Italian officials have uncovered an underground police network while investigating the death of Fabrizio Quattrocchi, an Italian private security contractor slain in Iraq in 2004. The investigation by the Genoa Public Prosecutor's Office revealed that the officially illegal anti-terror police, called the Department of Strategic Antiterrorism Studies (DSSA), was staffed by Freemasons and shadowy CIA operatives. Among the 50 people that are being investigated are Gaetano Saya and Riccardo Sindoca, both Freemasons and DSSA directors with links to the extreme right and intelligence organizations including "Gadio".

...It would seem reasonable to assume that there is indeed a very definite connection between a group of American "black ops" personnel with ties to the Pentagon who were involved in kidnapping a Muslim Cleric in Italy who was on their payroll as an informer and a shadowy extra-judicial Italian anti-Muslim terrorist organisation founded by two Italians who were also being funded by the Pentagon. The mention of the term "Gladio" and Saya and Sindoca being affiliated with this organisation is very interesting. Chris Floyd writing in the Moscow Times explains the essence of "Operation Gladio":

'You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.'

Operation Gladio [was] a decades-long covert campaign of terrorism and deceit directed by the intelligence services of the West -- against their own populations. Hundreds of innocent people were killed or maimed in terrorist attacks -- on train stations, supermarkets, cafes and offices -- which were then blamed on "leftist subversives" or other political opponents. The purpose, as stated above in sworn testimony by Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra, was to demonize designated enemies and frighten the public into supporting ever-increasing powers for government leaders -- and their elitist cronies.

First revealed by Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti in 1991, Gladio (from the Latin for "sword") is still protected to this day by its founding patrons, the CIA and MI6. Yet parliamentary investigations in Italy, Switzerland and Belgium have shaken out a few fragments of the truth over the years. These have been gathered in a new book, "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe," by Daniele Ganser, as Lila Rajiva reports on

Originally set up as a network of clandestine cells to be activated behind the lines in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, Gladio quickly expanded into a tool for political repression and manipulation, directed by NATO and Washington. Using right-wing militias, underworld figures, government provocateurs and secret military units, Gladio not only carried out widespread terrorism, assassinations and electoral subversion in democratic states such as Italy, France and West Germany, but also bolstered fascist tyrannies in Spain and Portugal, abetted the military coup in Greece and aided Turkey's repression of the Kurds.

Among the "smoking guns" unearthed by Ganser is a Pentagon document, Field Manual FM 30-31B, which details the methodology for launching terrorist attacks in nations that "do not react with sufficient effectiveness" against "communist subversion." Ironically, the manual states that the most dangerous moment comes when leftist groups "renounce the use of force" and embrace the democratic process. It is then that "U.S. army intelligence must have the means of launching special operations which will convince Host Country Governments and public opinion of the reality of the insurgent danger." Naturally, these peace-throttling "special operations must remain strictly secret," the document warns.

What seems to be true is that Operation Gladio was the brain child of American intelligence personnel after the (so-called) defeat of Fascism during WWII. It goes without saying that the very existence of tyrants like Hitler and Mussolini was extremely useful for the "allies", particularly the Americans. After all, when your goal is global hegemony, you need a good reason to send the troops overseas. However, with the defeat of the Nazis, America was forced to find a new boogeyman, or rather boogey ideology, to justify continual war. Very quickly after WWII, "the commies are coming" became the new battle cry and with it came a plan to establish "stay-behind" groups of mercenaries trained by Americans in the art of guerilla warfare in the event that a Communist (or in any way left-leaning) government should gain strength in any strategically important (from the point of view of the US) nation.
Here is some of what Jeff Wells of Rigorous Intuition wrote:

Earliest reports spoke of six bombs. There only four detonations. Much later, two unexploded devices were found. A question: what was the media's original source for there being six bombs?

"The Secret Organization of al Qaeda in Europe" has claimed responsibility, yet another "previously unknown" group. Though, since it has "al Qaeda" in its name, that will mean to most people, simply, that "al Qaeda" did it, as though it were a top-down outfit of villainy such as SMERSH or KAOS or the Legion of Doom. The forbidden knowledge that al Qaeda was subcontracted by Britain's MI6 and paid £100,000 in 1996 for an assassination attempt upon Muammar Qaddafi is unlikely to be heard now over Blair's tremulous turn at "They hate us for our freedoms."

And what, if anything, should we make of the date? 07.07/2005 = 777. Such calculations have never been important to me. But as I've said, it doesn't matter what's important to me; what matters is, what's important to them. And numbers matter a great deal. To a Qabalist, 777 is "traditionally the number of the Flaming Sword or creative Lightning Flash...which, when overlain on the Tree of Life, touches every Sephirah in turn and certain Paths, with a total of 777." 777 is the title of Aleister Crowley's celebrated volume of Qabalistic teachings.


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