Wednesday, September 14, 2005

911, Katrina and Psychopaths

One obstacle I find often when talking to people about the possibility that 911 was an inside job is the fact that for people who have a conscience it is hard to imagine that others could be so amoral. Ran Prieur put it nicely:

September 11. I'm reading speculation that the levee in New Orleans was purposely blown up. I have no doubt that the rulers would do it -- it's a great way to kill the poor and wipe the city "clean" for their utopia. But just because they would, doesn't mean they did. Motive is not evidence.

If you don't think they would, I'm sorry, but the odds are not with you in these times. I'll say it again: unless you can get yourself in a mind space of having zero empathy (and come back from it), you will never understand your enemies, and they will destroy you. You actually have the advantage -- inside you is a reptile brain ready to teach you how psychopaths think, while they have no way to understand how you think.


Blogger erlenda said...

Do you think, that those in charge are actually incapable of empathy?
Is it not possible, that their behavior is learned from their environment?
After all they do rationalize their actions like in the philosophy of Leo Strauss.
What is learned can be unlearned. And it is the philosophy of the social-Darwinists that people are born a certain way and therefor more or less worth-while.
I disagree.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Donald Hunt said...

Hi Erlenda,

Not all of them are incapable of empathy, but the most recent research now estimates psychopaths at 4% of the population. If that is true, than one would expect that that number is much higher at the top of the power pyramids, since conscience can hold people back at those levels. A good recent book on this is Martha Stout's The Sociopath Next Door, published in 2005. An older book on the subject is The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckly.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Sean said...

Wow. I'm disturbed. You seem to have gone off your medicine.

1:50 PM  

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