Sunday, September 04, 2005

George Bush's Microexpression

Microexpressions are the flashes of facial expression that form instantly and which persist for a split second before the person can compose the face they want to show to others in reaction to something, particularly something that surprises them.

If you ever look at George Bush’s microexpressions you are sure to be chilled to the bone. The look of evil glee when he speaks about executing or killing people, the hateful look he gives if someone questions him in any way, all these things are right on the surface in plain sight, but only for a fraction of second.

Just as a microexpression is the first, instinctive reaction that shows the person’s true character, so Bush’s initial reaction (or lack of reaction) to Hurricane Katrina shows his true colors. Watching him scramble, nearly a week later, to react and show he “cares,” is like watching someone compose the intended reaction face after a microexpression.


Blogger erlenda said...

Interesting view on Bush, although I allways thought he was a mere puppet on a string, having lost most of his brain to drugs and alcohol. The real evil seemed to me in the string-holders Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the rest of the PNAC cabal, including his brother. But then, maybe he lost his brain but not his vindictiveness.

Thank you for posting the David Ray Griffin article. It is a very good place for reference in a condensed form.
And thank you for the comment on my blog. You are right, 9/11 is the weakest point of those criminal warmongers. The official story would be so easily dubunked, if the mainline media were not controled by them and the mainline journalists weren´t so terrible cowards.
Your blog is also informative and interesting.

6:47 PM  

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