Friday, September 16, 2005

Climate Change and Control Plans

According to scientists quoted in an article in the Independent:

A record loss of sea ice in the Arctic this summer has convinced scientists that the northern hemisphere may have crossed a critical threshold beyond which the climate may never recover. Scientists fear that the Arctic has now entered an irreversible phase of warming which will accelerate the loss of the polar sea ice that has helped to keep the climate stable for thousands of years.

From today's Signs of the Times on the supposed "incompetence" of the federal response to Katrina:

Suppose... leaders are well-aware that the past due date on modern civilisation expired at the turn of the millennium and that we are living as it were on borrowed time? What if they were aware that the changes in climate are irreversible, that ever greater disasters, disasters that will make Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami in Southeast Asia seem tame in comparison, are inevitable?

Rather than the fruit of ineptitude and contempt, might we not find their policy borne of calculation and contempt? (You didn't think we'd leave the contempt out of the equation, did you?)

We think that this is in fact was is happening. Leaders like Bush and those pulling his strings know very well that Katrina is not an isolated incident. They are expecting worse. In order to prepare, they are locking down the planet in order to be able to control the population, to contain the damage that they, themselves, will suffer while buried deep in their bunkers and underground cities as they ride out of storm.

To fall for the explanation of ineptitude is to react as they are planning, as they are hoping, because as long as we fool ourselves into thinking they are bumbling idiots, we will not see the truly sinister plans their tom-foolery is hiding. As with 9/11 where we were fed the line that it was an "intelligence failure", once more we are being told that these men are "disconnected". Yes, they are disconnected in the sense that they are psychopaths who are incapable of feeling anything for another human being. But these people are not disconnected from reality. They may have a better view on reality than most of their critics because they know what is coming, and they are actively preparing for it while the "opposition" is lost in the illusion that things haven't changed, that the ground-rules are the same.

Whether or not global warming is the result of human action or is a natural cycle, it is here and it is having an effect. We think that even if human action may play a role, it is not the only cause, and some of the causes are things over which we have no control. Think changes in the cosmos. Think meteors falling like rain.

Our leaders know that this is what is on the way. We can see how they are reacting, how they are preparing.


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