Friday, September 30, 2005

Is Something Happening?

Something seems to be happening.

You have now indictments against Tom DeLay, the House Majority Leader for money laundering, investigations by the Securities and Exchange Commission against the Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist for serious insider trading crimes involving a family owned business from a supposedly blind trust, the announcement today that Judith Miller will testify before Patrick Fitzgerald’s Grand Jury about the Valerie Plame case, putting even more heat on Cheney and Rove, possibly.

That takes care of all the poles of government controlled by the Republican party (leaving aside the Supreme Court). The DeLay indictment is the tip of the iceberg for him. Even if he beats this, the investigations into the dealings of his close associate Jack Abramoff will be much more dangerous for DeLay. The accusations against Abramoff include much fraud and money laundering but also a gangster-style murder!

Finally, there is the mysterious drop in the stock price of Diebold, a company that enabled the theft of the last three elections for the Bush Crime Family, for illegal activities in Georgia where they stole the 2002 Senate race, which turned the Senate back to Republican control, thereby preventing any serious investigations into Bush crimes.

What do all of these things have in common? Well, first of all, they are moving forward in a way that suggests that some Powers are letting them move forward. That’s especially the case with Judy Miller, who always sucks up to whoevers powerful at the moment. If she flips, that says a lot. They are coming at a time as well when Bush’s political popularity has fallen through the floor.

The legal issues are serious, but so are the political ones since, when corruption charges pile up like this at a time of perceived political incompetence and failure, the public can turn on the party in charge viciously. Of course we have been living in a one-party state, so there is no opposition party to take advantage of this. In such states, what often happens in these circumstances is a coup backed by popular revulsion against the groups in power.


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